Do you remember the sense of anticipation and excitement circling items in Argos catalogues or writing letters to Santa Claus? Well this feeling was not too dissimilar to how we felt when pulling together our equipment list.
There are so many options and suppliers out there today, honestly it was hard not to be overwhelmed. To navigate through the options and make selections, we trusted our instincts and experience to date in a variety of gyms. We've chosen classic tried and tested items suitable and effective in pursuit of yours and our goals. We hope you'll be as excited as we have been by our final shopping list.
Surges in demand for fitness equipment throughout 2020 collided with our plan to kit out our long anticipated facility. We joined supplier wait lists and pre-ordered most items to improve our chances of having equipment available from day 1 of building completion.
You know you're committed to fitness after months of cohabiting with equipment within your home . . . it was a happy day transferring part of our Glute Hamstring Development (GHD) machine from our kitchen into the gym.
